On the second day of 1984, the genius who is our president discovered the powers of SiGCo. He established this company in Makati. Philippines. After some trials and tribulations, SiGCo finally made the makati area as the Central Business District of Manila, Philippines. Here people from over the world came to enlist to help SiGCo with its goal. Then after SiGCo. made makati famous, analysts came to SiGCo. and said, "Please sir, use rubbish more. It will be the "in" thing." SiGCo. followed the advice and off we went to the Rubbish industry, where we remain undisputed. In 1987, we had complete control of the Philippine economy, placing sites like "Smokey Mountain" as popular tourist attraction. Now we set out sites to the Association of South East Asian nations (ASEAN). Years past and we conquered most of the known world and as we were about to conquer Europe, we found the internet. We brainwashed people to use it and to think it cool. and started the Internet Hype which grew widespread. The genius who is our president got mad one day because it was a particularly slow day of sales of Rubbish. So what he did in a fit of rage was destroy the economy of Bangkok (a guarded secret on how). Then everyone else toppled. The Asian Economic Crises swept throught the whole globe. They tried to appeases the genius who is our president, but he said, "whatever". Now the world is still feeling the pain of the economic crises and even President Clinton bows at our heels. During this devastation, only one defied our president who is a genius. President Suharto denied the sales of Rubbish in east timor and the whole of indonesia. So we deposed him (clandestinely of course). He was deposed in 1998 and is still being charged for lots of stuff. In 1999, because Asia was getting a bit boring, we went to Canada. Please note that Canada is already under SiGCo manipulation. There we placed in the final phase of our 15 year plan. The Y2000 insect, also known as Y2k bug(our name for it was too cool for the people). However due to the mishandling of our previous techs, it failed. But we still made the world by the Y2K bug insecticide and still had a profit. At this time, we met Lord Lau of Laurence Land. And we have seen that some countries are just too invisible to be seen. So we setup our operations at once. Now we are at a partnership (or so he thinks, it is obvious who is the real brains... the genius who is our president). We also discovered the great religion of JnL'ism but decided that religion was not for us.. until we need some mind control (about 10 years from now) Karen Kountry was also discovered, but their nonfeminine and nonmasculine ways were too weird. We wouldve destroyed them but they buy rubbish from us.